Vad finns i Örtagården, Dals Rostock?

The herb garden

Örtagården Dals Rostock 1917.
The herb garden 1917.
Johannes Henriksson is in the middle of the picture.


The herb garden (Örtagården) is dedicated to the memory of Johannes Henriksson (1853 – 1935). He was in his time famous throughout Sweden for his pioneering work in growing medicinal herbs for the use of pharmacists and chemists. People came to Dals Rostock from the whole of Sweden and even Norway to learn everything about the medicinal plants including how to grow and collect them. He gave lectures, wrote newspaper articles and books on the subject. His books have been re-printed by Kroppefjälls Hembygdsförening. You can read the whole story in my book ”Nyttans Växter.” This is also an encyclopaedia where I describe the use and history of over 1000 plants.

The herb garden today

Örtagården is a part of Brunnsparken, beside the Folk Museum and the site of the old spa. Here you will find approximately 300 plants all with informative signs describing their history and use. Next to Örtagården is a pond with two streams and a marsh.

"Örtagården", the herb garden, in Dals Rostock.
”Örtagården”, the herb garden, in Dals Rostock.

Geologisk avdelning i Brunnsparken, Dals Rostock.
The geological section, where you can read more about Dalsland’s different rock types.

Geological selection

There is also a geological section with examples of different types of rocks from Dalsland and other regions. The biggest focus is an exhibit on slate which has been quarried locally in vast quantities in the past.

The beehive exhibit

At the beehive exhibit you can study how the bees live and work. The information panel displays models of the bees and their various activities.

Information om bin, Brunnsparken, Dals Rostock.
Visitors reading about bees.



Örtagård, ateljé och vacker natur